A small 2d top down dungeon crawler.

You have 4 rooms filled with monsters... Can you clear them all?


  • Aim with mouse.
  • Left-Click to Shoot.
  • Right-Click to Drop Mine.
  • Space to Dash.
  • Scroll-Wheel Or Number Keys to Change Weapons.

This is my first project, all of the art and code was made by me (except the monsters\torches sprites & animations, the pillars were modified and the barrels & the skull).

Would really appreciate any feedback.

Hope you will enjoy :)

**25/06/20 Update
  1. Fixed bugs (rooms not spawning enemies).
  2. Added Restart button to the pause menu.
  3. Can switch weapons using the numbers. 


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This game is a little too hard for me, but i still had fun! I look forward to playing any updates you may be working on ;) 


Loved the video!! I really appreciate it!! 

It was more of a learning project but I see people liked it so will continue working on it. (Sounds as well)

glad you will be working on it ;) 

Hey, this game is actually pretty good for a first try, but there are a few things that could be improved. 1. The rooms next to the second room, are so hard to beat. It's hard to tell when new waves of enemies start, and harder still to see them as your vision gets darker when you lose health. It's kind of frustrating how fast you get swarmed, and sometimes I saw that the ranged enemies shoot through objects. 2. The weapons you get at the start don't help much. They don't feel powerful at all, and I find myself spamming the normal wand quite a lot since the enemies are so fast. So, in conclusion, try spawning less enemies per room, so you don't get swarmed so easily, try adding items/new wands or something like that so I feel more accomplished, or maybe even add random generation, so I don't feel doomed every time I walk into a specific room, and then get swarmed by the skeletons.